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Well, Here We Are!

Ok, I am alone, just like I like it. I never seem to get enough alone time these days! I guess when writing a blog, alone isn't where you want to be, but I guess that part comes later now, doesn't it?!

First things first. Spelling and punctuation.. Sometimes, there may not be any! I am an intelligent person. BUT, sometimes, I make typos... I am a PRINCESS, I am not PERFECT. There is a difference. There will be NO internet spelling Nazis here.

Second: I most usually always speak my mind. It is therapeutic. If you hold things in, it's toxic, and all sorts of nasty things happen, you get stressed and stress leads to belly fat and gross things like pimples and headaches!

Third: I am a gear head. I love cars, the louder and nastier the better. Quite a weird hobby for a Princess, no? Horsepower ROCKS! I let my 11 year old drive a Jr dragster, which some will compare to a go cart...i guess that is a sufficient comparison, if a go cart can run 70 mph. The kid loves it, and it is no more dangerous than football. To date, There are no Jr Dragster deaths, but i bet i can show you 10 foot ball deaths in the last 2 years, that i have seen i the I listen to no SHIT about letting my baby boy drive :)

I have a 16 year old girl who has hydrocephalus, which is water on the brain. the thing i hate most in the world is when STOOPID...and YES i can use that word if I want to....anways, I hate it when STOOPID use the "R" word as an insult. When you do so, you also insult my mentally retarded child. This pisses me off the same way it would piss off a mother bear if you stole her cub and dangled it before her after waking her from hibernation! Having a mentally challenged child is tough. I am not complaining in the slightest, but you may catch me on here ranting from time to time. A LOT. It is therapy :)

I have been married to my husband for 15 years, and we have together for 19. We were high school sweethearts. We were, and are best friends. if you can't be best friends with your spouse, you probably shouldn't be married, because I guarantee you, sometimes, being friends is all that gets you through. I'm safe enough in our relationship to say that. I would say that we grew up together, but that would be a lie, we are STILL growing up! And it's fun!

Ok, so the Princess thing....It's my husband's fault. I am spoiled. Not materially. Wait, I do get a lot of things, but there are a lot of times when we live pay check to pay check, and I FEEL just as spoiled as when I get to go on a shopping spree. It's in a look that I get, or a touch, or any little thing. I don't whine or whimper and constantly ask for stuff, I don't sit on my ass and wait for people to do things for me, but I KNOW that if i want something and it's in his power, all I have to do is say so, and it's mine....but ya know something....having that knowledge is 100 times better than having what I could get!

So, we just moved across the country to California from Kentucky. I am a southern girl at heart. We left our family and friends, everything that we knew, pretty much for my husbands job, and to be near his mother and sisters for a while. We have been here for a month almost, and it's VERRRRRY different. I was told that I have an accent...who knew?!
That, my friends, or soon to be friends, is why I started this blog....I am a stay at home mom for the first time in 5 years, am bored, and have a story to tell!
Put on YOUR tiara and stay tuned!

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