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Paw Patrol, Mom Shaming (again), Booty Shorts and Wolves

Well guess who fell asleep at 10 pm!  I will give you a hint, it was not me!
Here's to hoping she doesn't turn it in to an hour long nap like the other night.  I have a pretty good feeling I may drop my basket and run screaming through the neighborhood stark naked and scare the neighbors.  Might get a free ambulance ride and some drugs though, so it's all good!  Just kidding, I have to pay my dealer like everyone else!  OK OK, now I'm kidding, I'm too broke for that...but if I wasnt...
So this kid..all she wants to do is watch Paw Patrol, or play with her Paw Patrol figurines or stuffed animals or play in her Paw patrol tent.  They are cute, I totally get it.  But, she has these pajamas, OK...Little boy pajamas, and I don't give a shit if they are boys or girls or what, I am just setting the stage here.  My Threenager Princess has been wearing these freaking red Paw Patrol pajamas for THREE days.  She will not take them off.  I bought her some brand new PP PJ's and she wants nothing to do with them.  I try and take them off and she shrieks.  She wears her snow boots with them. 
She is like an eccentric old lady.  Red flannel Paw Patrol PJ's, a pink pony tail elastic with a HUGE ass pink flower and big ol purple Paw Patrol snow boots on her feet.  What do I do?? One more day and I am afraid she is going to start stinking!

I'm still reeling over this whole Mom shaming thing.  I guess I have more on my plate to worry about than what other people are wearing, what with the Lupus, threenager, other kids, dog, hubby and house to deal with.  Now it's a thing to judge whether or not a person should wear something based on their age.  Well, I'm sorry!  If I feel like wearing a pair of booty shorts at 44, by hell. I am going to wear them!  It's MY ass and YOU don't have to look at it.  
I don't care much for the color yellow but I don't bitch when I see someone wearing it, do I?
People pay way too much attention with what's going on OUTSIDE their homes and not enough attention to what is going on INSIDE it.  
The so called "Nice girls" are so busy "mean girling" everyone that they haven't stopped to realize that is what they are doing and I am talking about grown damn women!
We live in the age of the internet and screen shots where there are NO safe places, and nothing is sacred!  Don't get comfortable in those groups and start venting because your husband didn't walk the dog because some bitch will pop up with screen shots in his in box!
I don't know why it has to be this way.  It's like a free for all.  Sharks that can scent blood in the water and come after you.

I'm older than most of the Mom's in the groups, except the ones that are geared toward moms over (40). Bleh.  Why label it?  When you are a Mom shouldn't that mean that you have reached a level of maturity?  It should, but unfortunately it doesn't mean a damn thing. 

I was doing some reading the other night and I found out that Lupus is the word for WOLF in Latin.  I find this thoroughly interesting because I have always described the pain in my elbows and knees as a "biting" pain, and have even had dreams of being bitten when I've been in severe pain at night, dreamed of being attacked by packs of large dogs.   Coincidence?
I have a hard time believing that...

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