Well guess who fell asleep at 10 pm! I will give you a hint, it was not me! Here's to hoping she doesn't turn it in to an hour long nap like the other night. I have a pretty good feeling I may drop my basket and run screaming through the neighborhood stark naked and scare the neighbors. Might get a free ambulance ride and some drugs though, so it's all good! Just kidding, I have to pay my dealer like everyone else! OK OK, now I'm kidding, I'm too broke for that... but if I wasnt ... So this kid..all she wants to do is watch Paw Patrol, or play with her Paw Patrol figurines or stuffed animals or play in her Paw patrol tent. They are cute, I totally get it. But, she has these pajamas, OK...Little boy pajamas, and I don't give a shit if they are boys or girls or what, I am just setting the stage here. My Threenager Princess has been wearing these freaking red Paw Patrol pajamas for THREE days. She will not take them off. I ...

Zena ain't got nothing on this chick! I am a strong, proud, sometimes worn to a frazzle Lupus Warrior Princess. I can be a little "lupie" sometimes, but can't we all? I laugh, I cry, I scream in to my pillow and then I pick myself up and move on. Through it all, I am a Princess, even if the people around me don't know they are in the presence of royalty! I've got this shit handled. I have Lupus. It doesn't have me.