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Conversations that we should not have to have in our daily lives

So, I was perusing Facebook yesterday morning while having my coffee like I always do (when the baby lets me) and I ran across a status by a lady in my neighborhood saying that she was approached at a stop light by someone in another car trying to get her to pull over.  They followed her on to the freeway, continuing to harass her and chase her down.  It was midnight and I am sure she was scared to death.  She said that she called 911 and they sent an officer to her location and the person took off, wrecking farther down the road.

Later in the day, hubby and I went to take my teen boy to his girl friends house so that they could smooch or whatever (I don't want to know).  On the way home I brought up what I had read and we started talking about what I should do if the situation ever came up.  By what I should do, I mean what I should do after I piss my pants.  

We go over the whole thing about defensive driving, hit the brake, let them pass me then bump them between the back tire and bumper (pit maneuver) then speeding off.  Weighed the pro and cons of driving off of the freeway through the grass in to a neighborhood was not a good idea because what if I broke something?  Can't very well run away carrying the baby and they would probably catch me before I got her out of the damn car seat anyway.

It took me aback that I would be in a situation that my pepper spray or stun gun wouldn't help me with until it WAS almost too late.  Instead of being my first line of defense, they would be my last. Well obviously I would use them because this broad wouldn't go down without a fight.

It was disturbing, the turn that a casual question of "hey did you see that post about the girl who got chased down in her car?", had taken.   We were having a serious discussion about what on earth I would do if it happened to me.  Now, I am not one of those women who think that nothing bad will ever happen to them.  I am not naive in the slightest. Do I HOPE that nothing bad will ever happen?  Of course I do!  But the odds are not in my favor.  One in six women are sexually assaulted in their life time.  An aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds!  EVERY THIRTY FIVE SECONDS!  Then of course you have car jackings, purse snatching, stalking, home invasions and of course situations like I was talking about above.

Our conversation went on for a bit and I said "Well, I guess I DO need a gun, huh?"  We have been talking about this for two years now.  I have never been a huge fan of fire arms, but I do see the merit.  In today's day and age you have got to be ready for anything.We talked about how I would have to be prepared to fire while driving if necessary.  Ok, I'm a girl, I know a lot about cars, but not a damn thing about shooting or guns. So in my brilliance, I said "I guess I would have to learn to shoot left handed.".  Nope....I might drop it out the window!  Oops, didn't think of that!

Hubby just looks at me after a minute and says, "It's a shame that we even have to have this conversation, but we do."  And so we did.

I have learned a lot this last year, being a Damsel In Defense rep.  A lot of useful information.  The most useful?  Layer your protection.  Guns are great, but what if you drop it, or it jams.  What if they grab it from you or you can't get to it in time.  There is NO shame in also carrying  a pepper spray.
If you don't have or are not comfortable with a gun (or even if you do) stun guns are handy because they are a non lethal form of protection.  You do not always need to shoot your way out!  
My point is, keep an open mind when the subject comes up and don't just ASSume that everything is going to be ok just because you have a gun!

Another thing to think about....most of my sales happen AFTER something happens.  Don't become a statistic before you protect yourself.  Take that step, make that commitment first and you may not become a statistic at all!

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