So, I was perusing Facebook yesterday morning while having my coffee like I always do (when the baby lets me) and I ran across a status by a lady in my neighborhood saying that she was approached at a stop light by someone in another car trying to get her to pull over. They followed her on to the freeway, continuing to harass her and chase her down. It was midnight and I am sure she was scared to death. She said that she called 911 and they sent an officer to her location and the person took off, wrecking farther down the road. Later in the day, hubby and I went to take my teen boy to his girl friends house so that they could smooch or whatever (I don't want to know). On the way home I brought up what I had read and we started talking about what I should do if the situation ever came up. By what I should do, I mean what I should do after I piss my pants. We go over the whole thing about defensive driving, hit the brake, let them pass me then bump...

Zena ain't got nothing on this chick! I am a strong, proud, sometimes worn to a frazzle Lupus Warrior Princess. I can be a little "lupie" sometimes, but can't we all? I laugh, I cry, I scream in to my pillow and then I pick myself up and move on. Through it all, I am a Princess, even if the people around me don't know they are in the presence of royalty! I've got this shit handled. I have Lupus. It doesn't have me.