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The 41 year old new Mom

When I found out that I was pregnant shortly after my 40th birthday (by shortly I mean 2 days) I was in total shock.  My poor husband nearly passed out, no joke!  We already had a 15 year old boy and a 20 year old girl who has special needs.  We have just started a business 18 months ago that it was imperative that I be able to work at to keep costs of labor down.  It was a terrifying experience at first.  What are the older kids going to say?  How long am I going to be able to work? Laying sod, which is what we do, is hard work!  Would the baby be healthy?  Would i hold up OK during the pregnancy?  I was a little "old" to be pregnant after all..
As it happened, everything turned out great  The other kids were angels about it, the pregnancy went wonderfully and I worked up until my seventh month.  Baby girl is now a healthy and happy 8 month old.  But....I am now 41.  Age and pregnancy individually do not so nice things to your body.  Age and pregnancy together, are worse!
I had negative weight gain during the pregnancy.  I initially lost 7 pounds, and that is all I gained.  So when I had the baby I weighed the 154 pounds that I started out at.  Then I lost 15 pounds!  Didn't even try, it just melted off over a couple of months.    It didn't last.  
With a baby that doesn't like to sleep  and a super busy office to run while taking care of the baby, a mom who recently had back surgery and needed a lot of help..I ran out of time to take care of myself.  
You know what they say about putting the oxygen mask on yourself first if the plane is going down, right?  That you have to be able to breathe to take care of anyone else.  Well, I stopped breathing.  Just stopped caring about myself and put everything and evryone else first, starting with the baby, then my office, then my other 2 kids and husband, then my mom.  
There were just not enough hours in the day to worry about how I was doing, what I was eatring or whether or not I was getting up from the desk and moving around or not.  Not enough energy left to grab a bottle of water or a light snack.  Fast food and hamburger helper won the prize.  I gained every bit of that weight back plus 4 pounds in the matter of about 6 months.
I started taking Saba ACE about 3 weeks ago and have lost a total of 7 pounds without a ton of effort.  I have not really started a work out routine yet but try to use my elliptical at least every other day.  Aside from watching what I eat a little closer and drinking a lot of water, I'm not really doing anything differently.  
The energy!  Oh MY GOSH, the ENERGY!!  Baby girl still does not like to sleep and gets up 2-5 times per night.  This should make for a super tired Mommy, right?  Not so!  I take 2 ACE around 8 am and I am ready to roll all day.  I was really looking for something that would give me energy naturally without the jitters, and I FOUND It.  Also, I get no mid afternoon crash as many people do with other pills and energy drinks.  
I made the decision to join the Saba team and I am SO glad that I did.  I could not be happier to be helping my friends and family to gain the energy that they need to get through their busy lives as well as helping them on a path to becoming healthier!

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