"Two earth quakes and a kajillion after shocks in 2 days and i didn't feel a damn thing. I guess i should consider myself lucky, but dammit, I could have at least felt a little bitty rumble." blog post started by me on January 8, 2010. I got busy doing something else and logged off. Then we have the Haiti disaster and I feel awful for even thinking that, much less putting the thought out there. I'm bitching about not feeling a itty bitty earth quake and those people are fighting to survive after not only feeling the big one, but losing everything that they own. I am going to say that I am ashamed of myself for whining over choosing to leave things behind when we moved....I have the ability to get new things, and I brought what was important with me, family photos, mementos, antiques, my favorite clothing, gifts from my husband that I would never part with, even the clothes that I burned in.....and my husband and children. I am ashamed of whining abou...

Zena ain't got nothing on this chick! I am a strong, proud, sometimes worn to a frazzle Lupus Warrior Princess. I can be a little "lupie" sometimes, but can't we all? I laugh, I cry, I scream in to my pillow and then I pick myself up and move on. Through it all, I am a Princess, even if the people around me don't know they are in the presence of royalty! I've got this shit handled. I have Lupus. It doesn't have me.