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Showing posts from January, 2010

Feel the Earth Shake

"Two earth quakes and a kajillion after shocks in 2 days and i didn't feel a damn thing. I guess i should consider myself lucky, but dammit, I could have at least felt a little bitty rumble." blog post started by me on January 8, 2010. I got busy doing something else and logged off. Then we have the Haiti disaster and I feel awful for even thinking that, much less putting the thought out there. I'm bitching about not feeling a itty bitty earth quake and those people are fighting to survive after not only feeling the big one, but losing everything that they own. I am going to say that I am ashamed of myself for whining over choosing to leave things behind when we moved....I have the ability to get new things, and I brought what was important with me, family photos, mementos, antiques, my favorite clothing, gifts from my husband that I would never part with, even the clothes that I burned in.....and my husband and children. I am ashamed of whining about missing my fam

What Doesn't Kill Me....

Wow, it's been a while!  About 6 weeks, we have left behind Christmas, New Year, and my birthday (I turned 36, YIKES!)  We are coming up on Valentines Day pretty fast, and spring is hopefully just around a corner or two. If not, I give up!  It has been raining for 2 weeks, it stops for a few hours, teases me with a little sun shine and starts right back up again! I was doing so GOOD, walking 2 miles a day taking my boy to school and picking him up, and now the rain, and I have to drive!!  GRRRRR!  I think it's a conspiracy!  I lost 5 pounds in one week and then the rain started.  Well, that was the end of THAT!       I really dreaded my birthday this year.  36 just seems to me like LATE 30's.  Everyone told me that it's not, but it felt like it.  Especally when I look at the fact that my husband is in his EARLY 30's!  He was so funny the other day!  We were getting ready to go somewhere or the other and he came into the bathroom and informed me that he was gettin