So, last Friday my 9 week old Princess Baby came down with a cold. I swear to bejesus that she picked it up at Walmart. I can tell you the exact moment in Tuesday we walked by a man chewing on a cough drop. I remember saying to my husband, "hold your breath, that dude is sick!" As I threw the blanket over the baby's head and hurried away. Friday comes and she is so congested! I called her doc and since she bad no fever or green snot and she was eating like a horse they said not to bring her in. The next thing I know, it is Sunday and her Daddy says "uhoh I'm getting her cold!" I told him he is full of shit, you can't catch a cold from a baby!!!! Ummmmm....I was wrong. Yes I said it. I will even repeat it. I was wrong. The little shit has infected my whole house, except for me. Both of her sibs are now sniffling their heads off, loading themselves up with cold meds with dear old dad. Everyone being sick means that I had zero help with the baby m...

Zena ain't got nothing on this chick! I am a strong, proud, sometimes worn to a frazzle Lupus Warrior Princess. I can be a little "lupie" sometimes, but can't we all? I laugh, I cry, I scream in to my pillow and then I pick myself up and move on. Through it all, I am a Princess, even if the people around me don't know they are in the presence of royalty! I've got this shit handled. I have Lupus. It doesn't have me.