Wow! Shhhhh it's quiet! I just realized that I would blog more if I had a new keyboard and a comfy chair...what an excuse! lol So, we sold my son's Jr Dragster last weekend. It was kind of bittersweet, but he will end up with another one. He wanted to go to Disneyland with some of the money, so that cheered us all up! No one can be sad at Mickey's house, and if you can, then you need to be on meds! Of course I had to wear my sparkly ears and my tiara. Together, they look like 1 piece and everyone asks where I got them...but I don't give away my secret =) I get to be the only Princess Minnie there, and that tickles me. My hubby got on a roller coaster and shocked the daylights out of me. It wasnt a super skeery one, but he doesn't like drops and dips...but he liked it! My son talked him in to getting on it, he is too short to ride by himself, and I was fighting a head cold, so I wasnt about to do it. The only dow...

Zena ain't got nothing on this chick! I am a strong, proud, sometimes worn to a frazzle Lupus Warrior Princess. I can be a little "lupie" sometimes, but can't we all? I laugh, I cry, I scream in to my pillow and then I pick myself up and move on. Through it all, I am a Princess, even if the people around me don't know they are in the presence of royalty! I've got this shit handled. I have Lupus. It doesn't have me.